Problems with the new GPS Automatic License Notice Generator
Following up on my previous post, here’s a screenshot of the OSS license item for the popular Glide library as generated by version 11.2.2 of the new GPS OSS tools. There are two distinct OSS licenses for the Glide library and the GPS OSS tools finds both of them. But it concatenates the two URLs without a space or line break in between. They’re just stuck together:
To fix that, I added a gradle hack which runs after the app’s preBuild gradle task. The code block, placed at the bottom of build.gradle, carries out a specific edit within third_party_licenses (a text file generated by the OSS gradle plugin):
preBuild.doLast({ String thirdPartyLicenseFilePath = 'app/src/main/res/raw/third_party_licenses' File thirdPartyLicenses = new File(thirdPartyLicenseFilePath) if (thirdPartyLicenses.exists()) { String contents = thirdPartyLicenses.getText('UTF-8') contents = contents.replace("licensehttp://", "license http://") thirdPartyLicenses.setText(contents, 'UTF-8') } else { println "cannot find " + thirdPartyLicenseFilePath } })
Sure enough, the hack adds a space between the two urls:
But there’s a new problem: the ‘t’ at the very end of the second url is no longer present. (Look closely. The url points to a ‘.tx’ file instead of a ‘.txt’ file).
On one of my android devices, it appears that there’s a 92 character length limit on that string. Or something. I have yet to discover where that limit is set.